I have avoided writing this as long as I can. You will be 13 months old tomorrow so I better write this to you now.
My love for you has grown exponentially over the last year. I hope you can tell based on these letters. I've grown into my role of mommy and accept the good days with the bad. It was so new when you were first born (duh!) and I was scared of what I was doing. Now, I still don't know what I'm doing but l don't get scared about it.
You communicate so well. You sign most of the words we've taught you and you even say a few too. This past month went by so fast (the one leading up to you turning one).
We celebrated your first Easter at the ranch.
You got your first Easter basket (without the rabbit since it was left at home).
Grandma and Grandpa even got you your first bouncy ball and tennis shoes.
And we let you play with cascarones. You didn't quite get the true point of them. That's okay though.
Nana and Poppy even sent you some things for Easter.
You became a full time walker. It kind of broke my heart to see you growing up. BUT, I'm super proud of you and your accomplishments.
After becoming a walker, you decided to start standing up without any help. Normally, that happens before walking but you didn't care. =)
Like any good Texan family, we stuck you in a bunch wild flower bluebonnets that was a ditch on the side of a highway. =)
And then, it was your birthday. We woke you up singing "Happy Birthday," put balloons in your crib, and let you play in them. You LOVE balloons!

We had your birthday party a few days later when it was the weekend. Your friends, our friends, and our families were able to come over and celebrate.

The last few pictures are from your one year photo shoot. You look so grown up. I may not admit it but, you are a big boy now (until you get bigger). This year has been so hard for me: emotionally and spiritually. I'm not as good spiritually as I should be but I'm better than when you were first born. Emotionally, I'm still a wreck when you accomplish things. However, I'm ok with it. I cry selfishly and then I'm celebrating your accomplishment and helping you achieve more. I hope I can be that way as you continue to grow up. To me, there is no way I could do that without God. That's where I can tell I'm doing better spiritually. God is making a difference in my attitude without me even knowing it.
I love you so much.
(I cannot wait until the day that you become a big brother. It will break my heart, I'm sure, that you won't be my baby. Your heart and attitude is already showing me that you will be such a great big brother. You are going to be awesome at it!)
"I'll love you forever, I'll love you for always,
As long as I'm living, My baby you'll be."
-Love, Mommy