Oh baby girl,
This month has been insane. So much so that I thought I wrote this to you already. SO, let's pretend that it's not June tomorrow...
Your big brother turned 2! It was a big deal around here. Your Nana, Poppy, and Great Grandma drove down from Oklahoma for it.
The very next day, we stood in front of everyone at church and promised to raise you in a Godly home. We hope that we have lived up to that promise. It was so special to have your Oklahoma grandparents there for it. Your Texas grandparents came to church as well as your Uncle B and Aunt M. We all love you very much.
Another first for you this month was Easter. I was so excited to buy you your first Easter dress!! Actually, your Nana bought it for you when she was in town but I got to pick it out. It was soooo girly and I loved it! Sorry if you don't like it looking back on it. I have to get in all the girly-ness while I still can! =)
We opened Easter baskets before church. You got your first lamb and bunny. You are officially working on your selfie face. Haha! Every time you see yourself on a phone, your eyes get super wide - way more than normal. It's sooo cute!

Another first was going to the ranch! We went after Easter service with my family. Everyone loved getting to spend more time with you. I hope you love going as much as Daddy, Brother, and I do. You seem to love it so far. You really like being outside so the ranch is perfect for you.
We even took a picture of you with Grandma on the porch. I have a picture of your brother in the same onesie from his first trip to the ranch. You were very smiley for it!
You watched your first movie this month. It was Brother's first movie really but you were there! Note your selfie face. =)
I have learned that you REALLY don't like it when the car stops moving. You are very quick to tell me that you aren't happy. You do the same thing when you're hungry too. You are way more vocal than Brother and at an earlier age too.
We borrowed a sit-me-up chair from Brother's friends S&A. You LOVE IT!! You aren't a fan of laying down because you can't see what's going on around you. Since you are really good at holding up your own head, this is the perfect solution.
Tummy time is going ok but you are starting to drool more now, hence the bib in this picture. This tells me that you are teething but you aren't complaining that bad yet, just drooling. Brother didn't do that so it's totally new to me.
We went to your first Astros game just before you turned 3 months. We sat in the Crawford Boxes, somewhere none of us had ever sat before. I hope you love sports as much as we do. But I promise, we will love and support you if you are a super girly girl. Just don't judge me and the non-girly things about me. (I'll start praying now for that!)
You have started to show signs of being close to rolling over! This is all I can get of you "rolling" on your side. You have amazing hip strength already. You are flinging your legs to one side when you are laying on your back. I think rolling from back to tummy will be coming in the next month!
You are "talking" more and it's sweet. Your are looking at your brother more too. I think you are starting to notice people around you and even recognize them. You amaze me every day and I can't wait for it to keep happening.
"I love you all the way to the moon...and back."