On Thursday April 16th, we had our 37w appointment and I was exactly 37w. My glucose numbers had been low for the previous 3 days. Our doctor said it was probably because the placenta stops preventing insulin from reaching the baby as it gets closer to its expiration date. She checked me and said I was 1cm dilated still but I was now 70% effaced and baby was at -2 station. She ended our appointment by saying "Well, if you're still pregnant next week, we will have another basic appointment like this." We didn't think it would start 24 hours later. =)
Jerome and I went out to have a date Friday night at 6:30pm. As soon as we stepped foot in the doors at 6:55p, I felt a gush of liquid. I ran to the bathroom where it continued. We immediately left, called our parents and headed home. When we got home, I had 2 more rounds of gushing and we knew my bag of waters had broken. I hadn't had any contractions prior so we prayed that they would come so we didn't have to have interventions. Within 2 hours, I was having mild contractions every 8 minutes. I labored at home for 12 hours until the contractions were at least a minute long and about 4 1/2 minutes apart. We checked into the hospital at 6:30a on Saturday, found out I was 4cm and baby was -1 station. I got into a L&D room by 8a.
At 3:30p, I was 9cm and baby was at +2 station. With every contraction, I had to resist pushing since I wasn't fully dilated. This low station was causing major pain in my lower back. I had to relax my whole body except my core so that I wouldn't push. We also found out baby had turned its head to the left slightly. After calling my doctor, a resident came in to physically turn baby back to face down with a contraction. So glad she did because I only had to wait one hour more before pushing instead of more.
Our doctor arrived at 4:30p, saw how low baby was and decided I could start pushing even though I wasn't quite 10cm. She helped my cervix reach 10cm and stay there while I was pushing. After 1 1/2 hours of pushing, my contractions were slowing down and it was getting close to pitocin being necessary. Jerome gave me a little pep talk and I knew I had to start pushing harder and through my back pain. I pushed for another 1 1/2 hours, having to have oxygen between pushes. Afterwards, Jerome told me I was having minimal contractions and that last 90 minutes was basically me pushing on my own strength, which is why I needed the oxygen.
Our baby BOY was born on Saturday, April 18th at 7:47pm after 25 hours of labor. Jayce Alan was 7lb 4oz and 20.5in long. He shows no signs of the gestational diabetes affecting him and he is perfect!!
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